Thursday, September 20, 2007

Recalling 3 - Xi'an

Welcome to the most historical place -- Xi'an....

The first place we went to was ---- dumpling banquet---WAH!!!!

wA - Wa - wA....various type of dumpling...different kind of colors...shapes...and of course the taste.....

Here is the super mini dumpling i ever eat before...haha.some sort like !

Next up ---- Terracotta warriors.

Hehe, 背山望水...the tour guide said this is a very good "feng shui" place wo.....

and every inch in Xi'an, there is 陵墓 under your step...

Isn't you think that China is very great? It's really gave me a "WAU" when i first stepped in the terracotta warriors exhibition hall...It's what you couldn't imagine until you see it with ur own eyes.....

Coming up a village in Xi'an which got 窑洞...

The first two photo is taken at the primary school there.....When we first arrived, all the residents gave us a warm welcome....touching***

The condition of the primary school......especially the toilet....hehe...we always heard of china's let's you urself have a clearer look of it...kekeke

So conclusion is......don't drink too much water la....and always bring a umbrella along just in case la...hehe...backup backup.............

Here is the 窑洞......It is very cooling inside....and it is very strong in structure, so don't worry, it won't fall....

This is 西安回民街....There is a lot of nice food here , expecially the 灌汤包....yummy yummyhhThis is 抄凉粉 ..... quite different with what we having in Malaysia and the other is 拷羊肉.......

nice is very nice but very heaty...after took all those yummmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy food, i caught a sore throat the other day...too bad...sob* sob*...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Recalling 2 - Guang Zhou

Guang Zhou will be our next station, let's take a group photo before we depart, yeah..we are group 2!!!

Our group tour guide -王青.

Wonderful dinner in Guang Zhou~~~~ Nice food ler....let's zoom nearer to have a better look....

WAH!!!! Do u dare to have a tryy???

Hmm~~~ why so many people gathering around there??????

OIC~~~ 四川变脸 rupa-rupanya.......

short tour in Guang Zhou University City (which is a big entire island)
Do you notice that the building behind is a opening book --- Hehe...we are inside the book...a part of the book...

we went to visit the Guang Zhou Liede sewage treatment plant --the tour guide said we were taking the route of 胡锦涛 wo....

This is the plant that we went....and let's have a closer look of what's behind me of....

Eeeeeeee~~~~ Very geli ho......"vOMMITTING"

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Recalling -1

Since it has passed for MONTHS~~~ so sorry about that, i will make it short and as comprehensive as possible....

Let's start.....

1 stop - Hong Kong

In the first day, i met a lady which has exactly the same name as me (in mandarin) haha, so coincidence.

Next it was the 10 anniversary of 香港回归 , so we are so lucky got to experience this memorable moment together with all Hong Kong citizen.

Then will be the wonderful night in Hong Kong. We had our dinner on the ship...wonderful buffet and we got to enjoy the firework show in the middle of the sea....HO HO~~

but sadly i "asyik" watching and forget to press the button of my camera... just got one photo send by my friend from 南京, maybe i should diversify my firework photo collection.....

That's my Hong Kong stop super comprehensive summary...

Next up -- Guang Zhou---

After a long time

After a long time, since graduated, i seldom login to my blogger and hardly write any sorry about that.

Therefore, today i am bringing a good news for you and for me, finally i having a streamyx at home!!! so i can online more frequent as in university life. Hehe...

I will start my posting, update from previous that i miss out, that i promise to share my CSP with you...all those will be coming soon..........

missing you guys....^_^